Chinese herbs work similarly to acupuncture, in that they enter the energy channels of the body and affect both the channels themselves and the associated organs. Chinese herbal therapy acts as a stand alone treatment or can be combined with acupuncture. Chinese herbs are available in a raw form (non processed), either fresh, dried or prepared. These raw pieces of herbs (roots, seeds and leaves) are traditionally used singly or in a group of up to 25 or more herbs in a formula. The herbal formula selected is dispensed to the patient and placed in a pot with 4 cups of water and brought to boil. After simmering for 4 hours, only one cup of herb tea remains. This tea is drunk as a single dose and the remaining herbs may be re-boiled again and re-used for a second treatment. |
Herbal formulas in general are used for a short period of time - weeks to months - because they are designed to affect a change and once accomplished, they are discontinued.
To make the use of herbs more convenient, they are also available as single herbs or complex herbal formulas as dehydrated granule extracts. These herbs when used by people are dissolved in warm water to drink. For dogs they are combined with food and for cats, given in a syringe by mouth.
At East Gate Veterinary Services, we strive to provide the highest quality herbal products for our clients.
To make the use of herbs more convenient, they are also available as single herbs or complex herbal formulas as dehydrated granule extracts. These herbs when used by people are dissolved in warm water to drink. For dogs they are combined with food and for cats, given in a syringe by mouth.
At East Gate Veterinary Services, we strive to provide the highest quality herbal products for our clients.