The Decision to Euthanize
The decision to euthanize a beloved family pet remains one of the most difficult decisions a person can make. Many hope that they will be spared this decision by the pet just dying on their own (in their sleep). While this does happen occasionally much more often the natural death of a pet becomes a prolonged and painful process for all involved. When to make the decision - is it time? - there is no simple answer, but one fact remains constant, that for many the decision comes too late. Instead of a peaceful passage at home, the event becomes a painful memory of an animal in distress being rushed to the emergency clinic. This is followed closely by the regret that you have waited too long and your friend has suffered needlessly because of it. **see more..... |
Home Euthanasia - Gifting your Best Friend with a Peaceful Passing
As a house call veterinarian, I appreciate that I am in a unique position to provide a 'peaceful end of life' transition in the home setting. While letting go of a beloved friend is not ever an easy thing to do, a home visit can take the stress away that a trip to the veterinary clinic can cause. To peacefully fall asleep in your home is how many of us wish to end our days, especially when surrounded by those who love us. If you feel that this is something you are considering for your beloved companion, please give me a call and we can discuss your concerns. |
Children and Pet Loss
The relationship between children and their pets is unique and irreplaceable. Pet loss can be very traumatic to a child, depending on the important role the pet played in the child's life: companion, best friend, admirer, playmate, defender, sibling, confidante. When that bond is broken, the pain can be deep and enduring, and the trauma can result in feelings of insecurity, anxiety, anger, guilt, helplessness, distrust and fear. Yet it doesn't have to be that way. Children can be helped to cope effectively with this very difficult life experience-provided that we consider what the pet means to the child, take into account the child's developmental understanding of death, and carefully plan how the pet's euthanasia is presented and conducted. Download a wonderful article written by Martha M. Tousley, CNS-BC, FT, DCC - |
Anticipatory Grief - Preparing for Euthanasia Download an article on Anticipatory Grief Download an article on Preparing for Euthanasia |