Tui Na Massage
Tui Na is Chinese manual therapy, which uses manipulations applied to acupuncture points, energy meridians and limbs to prevent and treat disease. It uses both mild techniques similar to massage and stronger techniques with functions similar to western chiropractic. Tui Na can be used to treat:
Tui Na massage techniques
I would like to thank Dr. Julie Schell BSc (Hons), DVM, CVA, CVCHM, CVC from the Bow Bottom Veterinary Hospital in Calgary Alberta for granting us permission to post these very informative videos on Tui Na massage for your furry friends.
I invite you to view these and contact us if you have any questions or wish to schedule a Tui Na massage as part of a TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) exam for your pet. Our office number is 250-598-1067.
I would like to thank Dr. Julie Schell BSc (Hons), DVM, CVA, CVCHM, CVC from the Bow Bottom Veterinary Hospital in Calgary Alberta for granting us permission to post these very informative videos on Tui Na massage for your furry friends.
I invite you to view these and contact us if you have any questions or wish to schedule a Tui Na massage as part of a TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) exam for your pet. Our office number is 250-598-1067.
Demonstration on a dog
Demonstration on a cat